
When Mary Poppins first took the the silver screen in 1964 it was saccharine and magical. There was something beautiful about the film and the story that warmed everyone's heart in only the way Disney was able. P.L. Travers, the author of the book, was not happy about the way in which Mary was "Disnified". Travers' vision was darker, more stern, and full of more lessons. Perhaps even the Sherman brothers, who wrote the original music that we all know, realized the songs were meant more to be lessons. Fast forward to 2004 in London and you find a very different Mary Poppins and a much more defined story.

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" is not just a song about a nonsense word. If you listen to the reworked lyrics and music by Stiles & Drew you will see Mary's urgent message that it isn't always how the message is packaged that is important but the meaning behind the words within it. It is sung directly after they meet the Bird Woman. Mary sees a beautiful, wise friend while Jane and Michael are immediately repulsed by what they have seen. It causes Mary to scold Michael, saying one of my favorite lines from the show, "When will you children look beyond what you see?".

If you didn't get the chance to see Scarlett Strallen in the title roll, here is your chance:


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Once upon a time I accompanied all the time. Going to everyone's voice lessons, learning everyone's music, sitting through monstrous pit rehearsals, tech weeks, musical rehearsals and auditions left me with many ideas and opinions. I am not sure if they are of any help to anyone, but here they are!